History Curriculum

Mrs Drinkwater - History Lead

Our History Lead is Mrs Drinkwater. If you would like to discuss our history curriculum further, please do not hesitate to contact us.


At Templemoor Infant and Nursery School, the History Curriculum develops children’s knowledge of historical periods, events and significant individuals. We want all children to be aware of their own history and of the changes within their own lives and that of beyond their living memory. We ensure that we inspire our pupils’ curiosity to know more about the past and of the lives of significant individuals.

Children learn key facts and concepts alongside skills such as chronological understanding, how to analyse and evaluate historical evidence, how to empathise with people from different eras and how to compare and contrast life in different periods. 


At Templemoor we have designed our curriculum to ensure coverage of the History National Curriculum content, with progression across the Year groups.

Children learn key facts and concepts alongside skills such as chronological understanding, how to analyse and evaluate historical evidence, how to empathise with people from different eras and how to compare and contrast life in different periods. 

Year 1 – My Family History, The Greatest Explorers, Great Inventors - Transport
Year 2 – Bonfire Night/ The Great Fire of London, Amazing Activists, Holidays

Children’s historical learning in Key Stage One starts with the familiar: their own pasts and those of their families. As children’s learning travels further back in time, History is brought to life through visits and trips into the local area. These help to fire the children’s imaginations and enable them to empathise with the lives of children in different eras.


Children will be inquisitive historians who have knowledge of their own history and the impact of others and will embed their use of questioning across the curriculum.

Skills and Knowledge Organiser
Each History unit is supported by a Knowledge Organiser which details the key facts, vocabulary and skills for each unit. This is sent home, allowing children to make a head start on their learning.
Knowledge and Skills Progression in History
The documents below detail the knowledge and skills that pupils will gain at each stage of the History curriculum. 
History National Curriculum
The National Curriculum for History can be found below. 

"We are not makers of history. We are made by history". Martin Luther King Jr