Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE) Curriculum

Mrs Campbell - PSHE Lead

Our PSHE Lead is Mrs Campbell. If you would like to discuss our PSHE curriculum further, please do not hesitate to contact us.


At Templemoor Infant and Nursery school, we believe that PSHE education is a fundamental part of every child’s education. Our uniquely designed curriculum provides opportunities for all children to learn about their rights and responsibilities and to appreciate the positive benefits of being members of a diverse society. A clearly structured programme equips each unique child with the essential knowledge, skills and attributes required for them to reach their full potential and improve their life chances. At Templemoor Infant and Nursery School, we are passionate that every child becomes an active partner in their own learning and develops good social, personal and interpersonal skills. The PSHE curriculum, at Templemoor Infant and Nursery school, places a strong emphasis on supporting pupils to be lifelong learners – to be confident, resilient and independent, preparing students for future success by enabling them to manage risk, make safer choices and respond to challenge.


The Early Years Foundation Stage  

In the Early Years Foundation Stage, the essential building blocks of every child’s personal development is established, enabling them to interact effectively and develop positive attitudes to themselves and others. At Templemoor Infant and Nursery school, practitioners orchestrate opportunities for each unique child to develop in enabling environments through role -play, continuous provision and weekly rainbow challenges.  Clear routines and strong and supportive relationships help to foster each child’s: resilience, confidence, capability and independence.

 Key Stage One

The school’s PSHE curriculum maps the progression in skills, knowledge and vocabulary for each year group (including the EYFS) and the four interrelated strands of citizenship and British Values through three core themes: Living in the Wider World, Health and Well – being and Relationships. A long - term plan identifies the focus of each unit of learning (within each of the three themes) each half term and the specific Citizenship strand/ British values to explored within each unit. Programmes of Study are mapped on the school’s, ‘PSHE Strand Coverage Document’, to ensure learning is both progressive and appropriate to the needs and age range of each year group, within each core theme. 

A Medium term overview identifies: the theme and focus of learning and learning outcomes, for each year group, each half –term; this document is supported by a Unit Organiser and includes the key knowledge, skills and vocabulary, intended learning journey and assessed outcomes, related to each unit of learning. 

The PSHE Curriculum is implemented through a weekly, timetabled session. Cross - curricular links, theme days or weeks, specific charity and fundraising events, assemblies, external speakers and providers such as: the NSPCC; Made with Hope, Trafford South Foodbank and We Are Adventurers are utilised to ensure the full coverage of the PSHE curriculum and units of work. During PSHE lessons, children engage in a range of exciting and relevant activities that help them to develop their knowledge and understanding of each of the core themes. Teachers use role -play, problem solving, games and stories to help children to learn and practise skills in order that they understand how to transfer their learning to real – life, practical situations.

Learning powers are a fundamental part of the PSHE curriculum at Templemoor Infant and Nursery school; they are used to help teach children specific learning behaviours such as perseverance and resourcefulness in order that they become successful learners, in and out of school. Learning powers are linked to each theme and children are taught how to emulate specific behaviours, in the acquisition and recall of key knowledge and vocabulary and development of key skills.

The school promotes positive mental health and wellbeing for its school community and children are taught how to live a healthy lifestyle by utilising a range of strategies such as: Growth Mindset, Mindfulness practices and self - regulation and participation in daily physical activity, including the Templemoor Mile.

Pupils are provided with a range of opportunities to help them to develop their understanding of citizenship; they engage in action to campaign for the rights of children locally and nationally, through for example, participation in fundraising events, class and school elections; a Rights Respecting team, assemblies and charity events.

Provision is made available for children who are identified with specific needs. A web detailing the implementation of such provision compliments the school’s graduated support for SEN (Identification of pupils needs – detailed in the school’s SEN policy 2019); this includes waves 1 & 2 support (quality first teaching – Growth Mindset, Mindfulness, the Templemoor Mile and the Templemoor Learning Powers; additional support – Nurture group (Star Club); Lego therapy and Playground Leaders.


At Templemoor, the progress and attainment of learners’ knowledge and skills are assessed using the school’s own progression tools. These include: a skills progression, a progression in vocabulary and progression in knowledge. A Floor book is used to evidence the implementation of the schemes of work and any additional enhancements that are used throughout the course of each academic year.

The school’s Learning Powers are closely linked to each of the curriculum’s themes; a badge is awarded to pupils who successfully emulate the behaviours, skills or knowledge attributed to each character. At Templemoor, children are rewarded for their social, emotional and academic achievements. Progress and successes made, throughout the implementation of each theme, are rewarded using the school’s reward system. Assessment for learning informs teaching staff of the progress pupils make throughout the course of each unit. Successes (or indeed areas of weakness observed throughout each half term) are fed -forward to the subject lead and used to inform teacher assessment judgements. A summative judgement is made, by classroom practitioners twice -yearly, and recorded on the school’s tracking system -Insight.


PSHE education, at Templemoor School, helps children to navigate the world around them and prepare them for life after school. It helps them avoid risks and dangerous situations and educates children on how to treat others with respect and sensitivity. PSHE education, at Templemoor, encourages children to lead a healthy lifestyle in and out of school and make informed choices about their physical health and wellbeing.

End of Key Stage Statements:

By the end of EYFS, children at the expected level of development will:


  • show an understanding of their own feelings, and those of others, and begin to regulate their behaviour accordingly;
  • set and work towards simple goals, being able to wait for what they want and control their immediate impulses when appropriate;
  • give focused attention to what the teacher says, responding appropriately even when engaged in activity and show an ability to follow instructions involving several ideas or actions.

Managing Self

  •  be confident to try new activities and show independence, resilience and perseverance in the face of challenge;
  • explain the reasons for rules, know right from wrong and try to behave accordingly; manage their own basic hygiene and personal needs, including dressing, going to the toilet and understanding the importance of healthy food choices.

Building Relationships

  • work and play cooperatively and take turns with others; form positive attachments to adults and friendships with peers; show sensitivity to their own and to others' needs


By the end of Key Stage 1

The following statements describe the types and range of performance that the majority of pupils should characteristically demonstrate by the end of the key stage, having been taught a relevant programme of PSHE.

  • children can identify and name some feelings (for example through interpreting facial expressions) and express some of their positive qualities
  • they can demonstrate that they can manage some feelings in a positive and effective way
  • they begin to share their views and opinions (for example talking about fairness)
  • they can set themselves simple goals (for example sharing toys)
  • children can make simple choices about some aspects of their health and wellbeing (for example by choosing between different foods and between physical activities, knowing that they need sun protection) and know what keeps them healthy (for example exercise and rest)
  • they can explain ways of keeping clean (for example by washing their hands and keeping their hair tidy) and they can name the main parts of the body
  • children can talk about the harmful aspects of some household products and medicines, and describe ways of keeping safe in familiar situations (for example knowing how and where to cross the road safely)
  • they can explain that people grow from young to old
  • children can recognise that bullying is wrong and can list some ways to get help in dealing with it
  • they can recognise the effect of their behaviour on other people, and can cooperate with others (for example by playing and working with friends or classmates)
  • they can identify and respect differences and similarities between people, and can explain different ways that family and friends should care for one another (for example telling a friend that they like them, showing concern for a family member who is unwell)