Mathematics Curriculum

Welcome to our curriculum page for Mathematics. On this page you will find a wide range of information as to how we teach mathematics at Templemoor, as well as valuable resources that you can use to help to support learning at home.  

Mrs Wynne - Mathematics Lead

Our Mathematics Lead is Mrs Wynne. If you would like to discuss our mathematics curriculum further, please do not hesitate to contact us.


Mathematics encompasses many essential life skills. At Templemoor Infant and Nursery School, our curriculum is designed to develop confident mathematicians who have a secure knowledge of the fundamental concepts that will equip them for future learning and for life.  


Our mathematics curriculum provides the children with a wide variety of problem-solving activities, thus enabling them to learn to develop positive life-long learning powers; to have a growth mindset, to persevere, to be resourceful, to be respectful of each other and to work together in order to achieve.


We are a Rights Respecting Silver School (RRS) and learning opportunities are built into our mathematics curriculum which help children learn to understand and respect these articles.


Our curriculum encourages children to enjoy exploring connections, patterns and relationships throughout their mathematical learning. Children are encouraged to make connections and use mathematical skills in other subject areas such as; science, D.T., art, P.E., history, geography and computing. We encourage the children to see the wide-ranging scope and relevance of mathematics in the real world; equipping them with the skills to successfully engage socially and economically within our world.

"You know what's cooler than magic? Maths!" - Peter Parker

Our Mathematics curriculum ensures coverage of objectives from Development Matters, Early Years Framework and the National Curriculum. There is clear progression throughout the school; knowledge and skills are built up incrementally to meet the Early Learning goals in Reception, and the objectives in the National Curriculum, at end of Key Stage One.
At Templemoor Infant and Nursery School, we use the White Rose Maths mathematics scheme to support our mathematics teaching, from Reception through to Year 2.
Our curriculum is carefully planned to ensure a secure sound understanding of the concepts taught. The teaching of mathematics is consistent and progressive, throughout the school we use models, resources and vocabulary that are familiar to the children. Learning is broken down into small steps which is carefully sequenced; enabling the children to build on and embed learning.
Across the school we use a Concrete, Pictorial, Abstract (CPA) approach; this means that children use practical resources and pictures alongside abstract numbers to support and develop a secure understanding of concepts and processes.
Discussion is an integral part of our teaching; we teach the children the appropriate mathematical vocabulary empowering them to discuss their learning.
Our pupils are challenged in fun and exciting ways through a curriculum that offers: real-life, purposeful learning opportunities; first-hand practical experiences and collaborative problem solving.


The Early Years Foundation Stage

In the Early Years Foundation Stage mathematics is taught as a discrete subject. Number is taught termly ensuring that knowledge and skills can be revisited and developed further.  The concepts of shape, measure and spatial thinking are also covered throughout the year. 


Our Early Years practitioners carefully scaffold the children’s learning through modelling mathematically rich vocabulary and skills through fun, inspirational activities. The children are given the opportunity to practise the knowledge and skills taught each week through supported small group activities and through carefully planned, purposeful activities in the continuous play provision and enhancements.



Key Stage One

In Key Stage One we continue to build on the children’s learning from the Early Years. Key knowledge and skills are mapped to ensure progression throughout each year group and across the Key stage.

Prior learning is built upon and connections and relationships are explored to further deepen the children’s understanding.


Maths is taught in discrete daily sessions and, where appropriate, through other curriculum areas. To develop a secure understanding of the concepts taught, children are supported through; the practical manipulation of resources, the use of pictorial representations and written methods. Children are encouraged to compare and make choices about the efficiency of strategies used to solve calculations. Teachers carefully scaffold the children’s learning through the process of modelling, working together and independent practise. Key concepts and facts are regularly recapped to develop fluency in recall.


Within the Mathematical lessons the children are encouraged to be problem solvers and apply the skills and knowledge learnt in a wide variety on contexts; including real life situations.

The Early Years Foundation Stage

In the Early Years Foundation Stage number is taught progressively each term ensuring that concepts can be revisited and developed further. Elements of shape, measure and spatial thinking are also covered across the year.  In Nursery, the children are provided with engaging relevant activities, planned purposeful play and a mixture of adult-led and child-initiated activities. In Reception, the children are taught in whole class lessons; the knowledge and skills taught within these sessions are then practised and developed through small group activities throughout the week. Opportunities for the children to follow their own interests, learn independently and further investigate and practise skills are also provided through continuous provision both indoors and outdoors.

Key Stage One

In Years 1 and 2 the children have daily maths lessons. Within these sessions a range of teaching strategies are used; practical manipulation of resources; (such as Numicom, Diennes, measuring equipment, 100 squares, number lines, dice, counters, money, shapes) the use of pictorial representations and written methods. There is a balance of teacher modelling, children working alongside the teacher and independent practise. Sessions build upon prior learning and offer challenges to further deepen the children’s understanding. Key concepts and facts are regularly recapped at the start of each lesson. Teachers continually monitor the children’s learning throughout a unit as well as assessing their progress at the end. The main purpose of all assessment is to always ensure that we are providing excellent and appropriate provision for every child.

The teaching staff at Templemoor Infant and Nursery School have a sound understanding of how the concepts of mathematics are learnt and have received training from White Rose Mathematics in how to use the scheme.

"Mathematics knows no races or geographic boundaries; for mathematics, the cultural world is one country" - David Hilbert


We aim to ensure that the children have an in depth understanding of mathematical concepts and can display this through discussion and application when solving problems. That the children are fascinated by and enjoy mathematics. Pupils are confident to ‘have a go’, can talk about their learning and are not afraid to take risks.

Children understand the relevance and importance of what they are learning in relation to its application in the real world; understanding that mathematics is a key life skill in our daily lives.


Teachers continually monitor the children’s learning throughout a unit as well assessing progress at the end. The main purpose of all assessment is to always ensure that we are providing excellent and appropriate provision for every child. This ongoing assessment informs future planning and support for any children not meeting objectives. Flashbacks are used to monitor prior learning and refresh children’s knowledge and skills.


Children in the Early Years Foundation stage are assessed within the EYFS Statutory Framework and their progress is tracked termly. At the end of the reception year age related expectations are reported to parents.


In Key Stage 1, in addition to ongoing assessments, teachers use end of unit and end of term assessments to track the children’s learning and record progress. These are also used to inform future planning.


At the end of each year, we expect the children to have achieved or exceeded age related expectations in mathematics for their year group.


In Year 2 the children undertake statutory SAT’s (Standard Assessment Test) papers (arithmetic and problem solving and reasoning) in mathematics.

Year 1 Termly Overview
Year 2 Termly Overview

"We will always have STEM with us. Some things will drop out of the public eye and will go away, but there will always be science, engineering, and technology. And there will always, always be mathematics" - Katherine Johnson

White Rose Mathematics offer free downloadable workbooks for Years 1 and 2 to give children and parents an extra tool for enjoying maths together. Click here to access this excellent resource. 
Numberblocks, first broadcast in January 2017, is a pre-school BBC television series aimed at introducing children to early number.
Snappy animation and loveable characters combine engaging storylines to gently introduce concepts of number to support early mathematical understanding. Click on the image below to visit Numberblocks! 
The NRICH Early Years resources aim to further develop young children's natural problem-solving abilities in the context of mathematics. Click below to visit the NRICH site.